Counselling, Psychotherapy, Coaching/Personal Development, Mediation,Training and Supervision in Harrogate, North Yorkshire
M BACP Accred., BACP Registered Counsellor/Psychotherapist practicing in Harrogate N. Yorks
To discuss your concerns or book a session, please call 01423 541250, 07748065041, WhatsApp/FaceTime or email liz.jaymal.t21@btinternet.com
Welcome to my site and hello to everyone who through courage, aspires to meet life's challenges in the spirit of adventure.
I wish you a beautiful journey.
What I can offer as your counsellor in Harrogate?
Appointments 9am - 9pm Mon, Wed 6.30pm - 9pm, Thurs 9am - 9pm, Tues & Fri 9am - 5pm, based in Harrogate in a comfortable environment offering a confidential person centred integrative approach to working with clients. As a mature Counsellor/ Psychotherapist, I bring diverse experience to supporting clients in their journey. I see clients who engage in counselling and psychotherapy as people who seek to make the best use of their potential and resources to achieve the changes they wish to make. I respect and value the qualities and skills clients bring to our work together. I am in easy access to Harrogate, Ripon and Wetherby and other areas of North Yorkshire.
Abuse • Addiction • Anxiety/Panic • Anger/Violence • Bereavement/Loss • Bullying
Confidence • Critical Incidents • Cultural/Transpersonal • Depression • Divorce/Separation • Eating Disorders • Emotional Resilience • Gambling • Guilt/Forgiveness
Intimacy • Motivation •Mindfulness •Parenting • Powerlessness
Pre-Marital/Co-Habitation • PTSD/Crisis • Relationships • Self Esteem
Sexuality • Spirituality • Trust • Trauma •Workplace Stress
I am a data registered practitioner and in compliance with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) I take all recommended steps to protect your personal data and respect your rights by Law to make decisions/choices regarding access/content/disposal of personal data.
Please see FAQ's for further information regarding GDPR.
Other Services:
- Relationship and Family Counselling
- Individuals
- Children/Young People
- Couples starting a family
- Group Therapy
- Coaching
- Mediation
- Supervision
- Training
- Couples:Contracting/negotiating
- Heart/Brain Coherence - see blog
- Personal Development
You may have experienced the effects of one or more members of family retreating or in conflict, and how all the members can be affected.
Breakdown of communication or poorly established communication is often the stumbling block to getting through these difficult times.
We are challenged as individuals and as a family unit if we don't find safe and open ways of communicating (not on the curriculum at school) and no surprise we are learning as we go. Counselling provides the safe and confidential space to explore and develop relationships and the skills to maintain them. The capacity to relate and communicate skilfully is essential in all aspects of life if we are going to live and work in a positive and progressive way.
Each individuals life is unique, our position in a family and the experiences we encounter in life, and the resources available to us are not exactly the same as another. For these reasons there are no one fits all solutions making it most important to be heard and understood in
our unique experience, without judgement and assumption. Sometimes we have expectations of ourselves and others, compare or be compared by others in a way that isn't accurate, which then brings hurt. We all suffer, sometimes unnecessarily affecting how we identify ourselves and others. We do have things in common such as feelings, conditioned beliefs and rules in families, groups and communities.
Some of this conditioning helps us get along with each other and some of which do not hold true, especially in an ever changing world.
Exploring through counselling in an open and free environment can help us make meaning and sense of our experiences, reassess our rules and beliefs, and make choices and changes that have positive outcomes. The more self aware we are, the more resources and choices we have.
The world is changing fast, presenting both new opportunities and considerable challenge to children, young people, parents, teachers and the system as a whole. Families are up against so many external influences, not least, social media which whilst designed to connect people or entertain through games, also poses a dark side. This dark side poses serious risks to the physical safety, emotional and psychological wellbeing of the young and vulnerable. More and more children and their families are reaching out for counselling as a result of the many negative influences their children and young people have encountered through social media. Other problems emerging from the use of social media are the breakdown of family communication, a growing inability to engage in face to face dialogue, difficulty building real social confidence, sleep difficulties, behaviour problems, addiction to constant stimulation. Some of these difficulties are compounded by anger and addictive tendencies. Children, young people and their families may face traumas, losses and difficult phases of life which are often compounded by the demands of a fast paced world. More than ever, we need to draw on our human potential to heal and grow. Counselling is a way to work together creatively to bring that potential to fruition.
Whether you are thinking of starting a family or on your way to a new arrival, it's a time of change that can be both daunting and exciting.
These changes may involve new skills and strategies, rethinking how we use our resources, reshuffling priorities. In short, the creating of a whole new life style to accommodate a vulnerable little person alongside your needs as a couple, and as individuals. Exploring these changes with a counsellor can make the difference between what should be a beautiful and precious time together or the most stressful time ever. See www.smallstepsonline.co.uk, your local parenting magazine full of informative articles and tips for parents. Don’t leave it to unspoken expectation or assumption, negotiate the new way forward. If you need an impartial facilitator who may ask questions you might not ask yourselves, and for help to reach a realistic and balanced way forward that meets all your personal and family needs, call Liz on 01423 541250 (no obligation).
During the life of a relationship there will be times when we reach a crossroad or find ourselves in a stuck place. Our circumstances and needs change along the way, and although we largely get along fine and don't actually feel the need for counselling, we may need to take our relationship to another level in order to create a way of life that will sustain our needs, and bring more contentment and happiness.
For others who may be in the process of divorce, this can be an opportunity to explore and prepare for mediation, to come to an agreement in principle, and feel more focussed and able to establish a final agreement. Some couples may be in a fairly new relationship and contemplating the longer term possibilities. This can be an opportunity to explore how that might look/feel and whether they have aspirations/ideas that will accommodate their careers, social and practical needs. A key factor in contracting and negotiating is in our willingness to take our part in the responsibility for the choices we make.
Without the capacity to stay with our emotions long enough to find meaning and understanding of ourselves in a given situation, we lose vital information that enables us to see the bigger picture in our choices and decisions. All the instruments of the orchestra working together make harmonious music. We have somehow learned to be selective about which is a good or bad feeling when maybe they are all messengers pointing us to the straight place in us (our integrity). Emotional discomfort does dissolve if processed, we do find meaning about ourselves and a situation and overcome challenging situations. We learn to feel safe with ourselves and trust that we will come through. If a response to a situation rather than a reaction can be found, we move on in a positive direction. Developing this capacity is crucial to leading a full, happy and meaningful life. It is not so much what has happened as what we do about it.
For many of us, it's a passion or an internal drive to become all that we can be. In this fast moving world our old ways of managing daily change and challenge quickly becomes outdated and out of step with reality. We are bombarded with buzzwords and commercialised training of the 'one fits all variety' intended to get us all on the same song sheet. New skills without greater self/other awareness will not translate to effective communication or greater meaning and understanding. The most important element is a self/other aware person behind the skills. The aim of clients choosing to engage in personal development is to bring out their best potential, to use their resources to maximise positive outcomes, to be self-directing and creative in their lives and relationships whether at work or socially.
If you would like to discuss your concerns, no obligation, call my Harrogate number 01423 541250 or 07748065041, leave your name and number and I will return your call. If you prefer to email me at liz.jaymal.t21@btinternet.com, I will respond within a working day.
My practice is within walking distance of
Harrogate town centre,
and provides support for those in the
neighbouring towns of:
- Ripon
- Thirsk
- Northallerton
- Richmond
- Wetherby
- Leeds
- Wakefield
- Sheffield
- Selby
- York
Note - Ripon, Wetherby and surrounding villages are roughly 20mins drive to my clinic in Harrogate where ample free parking is available.
See my blog about current issues that are affecting Harrogate, Ripon, Wetherby and surrounding areas.